
2016-02-29 11:54

New Registration System – Candidate Engineers: 

This serves as a reminder that  from 1 April 2016, all applications for registration as a Professional Engineer will only be considered in terms of the New Registration System (NRS). 

From this date (1 April 2016), applications for registration as a Professional Engineer in terms of the Legacy (old) System will no longer be applicable or accepted.

For more information, kindly view the links below:

2015-12-22 20:37


IST-Africa 2016 Conference

Durban, South Africa, 11 - 13 May 2016

Call for Papers - Extended Deadline 18 January


IST-Africa 2016 (11 - 13 May, South Africa) is the eleventh in an annual series of Ministerial level Technology Research Conferences, supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission. The 6th Annual IST-Africa Living Lab Thematic Working Group Meeting will take place on 10 May as a pre-conference event.

2015-10-18 16:56

*** 2nd IEEE CITA 2015 - Call for Participation ***


2015-10-18 16:47


HPSPSA2016 - High Performance Signal Processing South Africa
Conference 2016 held in Cape Town 25 - 29 January 2016

co-located with
CASPER2016 Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing &
Electronics Research held in Cape Town 25 - 29 January 2016


Call for papers/participation


2015-08-05 20:29

You are invited to join the IEEE and SAIEE in presenting the
first Joint Distinguished Volunteer award to Prof. David Davidson.

Speaker: Dr Ulrich Jakobus
IEEE Fellow and Vice President - Electromagnetic Solutions at Altair

Where : Seminar Room
Chemical Engineering Building

When : 6pm for 6:30pm Thursday 13 August

Please RVSP by Tuesday 11 August
for catering purposes:

2015-07-20 19:49

The UCT Radar Masters recently organised a radar course that attracted fifty participants. Such a large number pursuing this highly specialised and niche field is unprecedented in the country and clearly demonstrated a great interest and enthusiasm for radar.

2015-06-08 20:09

The 2nd annual IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) International Leadership Conference was led in San Jose, California, USA from the 23-26 April 2015. The conference showcased a variety of companies who displayed their products and services; they also attracted young graduates seeking job opportunities. Some of the companies present at the conference were Cisco, Intel, Google, Microsoft, General Electric, Yammer etc. There were more than 750 attendees at the conference with over 50 speakers.

2015-06-07 15:39


   This was written in early 2015. More up to date information is available in and


The IEEE South Africa Section is proud to announce that Dr Albert Lysko is now the vice-chair of the section.

2015-05-07 19:36

The UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme in Engineering, cycle 2015, is hereby calling for nominations. The Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow have placed at the disposal of certain Member States (see Annex I) forty-five (45) fellowships of six (6) months duration each, in Poland, starting on 1 October 2015.


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