Operating IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) Chapters

The information can be found on the HKN website, and includes explanations, examples etc.


At https://hkn.ieee.org/chapters/chapter-operations/ one can find all forms and templates for reporting, intiations etc.:

1) The Chapter operations manual can be found at the link above.

2) Forming an HKN Chapter requires 10+ students and Faculty advisor (in contrast, a Student Branch/SB needs 12+ IEEE student members to sign);

2a) Either the Chapter President or Faculty advisors should assess if new members and see if they meet the qualifications of HKN. Each new member has to pay an initial due of $70.00 and are given an HKN membership for life and a one year IEEE- membership. You should submit a student inductee documentation form with the excel spreadsheet in the form. All the information should be available on the page linked above. 

3) In terms of money, chapters don't receive annual funding from IEEE-HKN, however, IEEE-HKN can be asked for assistance. Chapters
usually hold their own fundraisers and such events for support. 
3) For reporting, Chapters should submit an election of officers report at least once a year, even if officers remain the same or any time any faculty advisors, department heads, or officers change;
3a) The Chapter should try to hold at least one student induction a year (initiation).