First OpenAirInterface (OAI) South African Hands-on Workshop

You and your colleagues and students are cordially invited to the notable 5G/6G event, the First OpenAirInterface (OAI) South African Hands-on Workshop, to be held at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria, South Africa, from July 2nd to July 4th, 2024. May I please request that you kindly share/pass the message to the relevant people, as/if appropriate? 

About the event

This three-day workshop (First OpenAirInterface South African Hands-on Workshop—OpenAirInterface) is designed to immerse you in the world of 5G and OAI, focusing on hands-on sessions covering OAI RAN, Core Network, and OAM. These open-source components allow the building of low-cost and research 4G and 5G base stations, user terminals, core networks, and associated services. 
The hands-on sessions are the best way to gain practical experience, learn best practices from our experts, and enhance your skills in OAI code development. It is also the perfect occasion to collaborate and exchange ideas in a vibrant environment.
In addition to the hands-on training sessions, we will have keynotes, talks, and a poster session. We invite the community members and other interested parties to submit proposals for talks and posters highlighting their work related to 5G/6G and especially OAI. 
Tentative agenda: 


Call for Speakerships/Talk Proposals

We hereby invite the 5G/5.5G/6G community, as well as open source enthusiasts, to join the event and share their work and ideas through talks and posters. Selected submissions will become part of the workshop program.


Call for Posters

If you want to give a talk or present a poster at the First OAI South African Hands-on Workshop, please submit your talk/poster here (click "SUBMISSION FORM" in First OpenAirInterface South African Hands-on Workshop – OpenAirInterface; deadline extended!).


Attendance Registration

Registration is now open, and an early agenda is available on the workshop page. Please note that we will update it as the Program Committee evaluates proposals sent in response to the Call for Proposals. 
The event site with registration pages: .

Travel grants

We are pleased to offer travel grants for attending the event. Applications will go through a selection process and are normally arranged via a claim. To ensure there are no duplications in funding, we will coordinate between the three sponsors. The following options are available currently:

IFIP Travel Grant (up to ZAR 20,000) - Please contact mmasonta @ for details. 
IEEE South Africa Joint Signal Processing and Communications Chapter (up to ZAR 20,000) -  Please contact alysko @ for details. 
IEEE Region 8 Voluntary Contribution Fund (up to USD 1,000 per applicant) - Please apply via the IEEE Region 8 website (


Sponsorship opportunities

Join our esteemed list of sponsors and support the development of future telecom professionals:

  • International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP),
  • The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE),
  • IEEE Africa Council,
  • IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East & Africa) Voluntary Contribution Fund,
  • IEEE South Africa Joint IEEE Signal Processing Society and IEEE Communications Society Joint Chapter, 

Sponsorship offers valuable exposure for your organisation and the opportunity to connect with key stakeholders in the 5G/6G industry. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact alysko @ .
We are looking forward to seeing you at this event!

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